Mikey Plays “Pistas” at Pearsall Park

Go on an adventure with Mikey at Pearsall Park in San Antonio, TX. Help Mikey find clues to learn what’s inside his mystery box. Watch as Mikey navigates the playground in search of clues. Learn sounds of letters and number ordering. Subscribe for more Learn With Mikey.


While Mikey visits the children’s park, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Imaginative play
  • Spelling
  • Adventure


  • Pista – Clues
  • Columpios – Swings
  • Suelo – Ground
  • Agujeros – Holes
  • Manejar – Drive
  • Frío – Cold
  • Suéter – Sweater
  • Guantes – Gloves
  • Grande – Big/Large
  • Brincar – Jump
  • Caliente – Hot
  • Subir – Climb
  • Escalera – Ladder
  • Sillas – Seats
  • Parque – Park
  • Pájaros – Birds
  • Acento – Accent Mark
  • Última Pista – Last Clue
  • Sonidos – Sounds
  • Avión – Airplane