Mikey Makes Soda Explode

Kids will explore and learn with Mikey as he makes soda explode using Diet Coke and Mentos. Kids will expand their Spanish vocabulary, while watching different sizes of soda explode. Subscribe to learn with Mikey.


While Mikey makes soda explode, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Smallest to biggest
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Experimenting

Spanish Vocabulary

  • Caliente – Hot
  • Soda – Soda
  • Botella – Bottle
  • Agitar – Shake
  • Dulce – Candy
  • Más Alto – Higher
  • Más Bajo – Lower
  • Ganador – Winner
  • Uno – One
  • Dos – Two
  • Tres – Three
  • Cuatro – Four
  • Cinco – Five
  • Seis – Six
  • Siete – Seven
  • Ocho – Eight
  • Nueve – Nine