Mikey Visits Santa’s Ranch

Mikey takes a special tour of Santa’s Ranch in New Braunfels, TX. This tour is full of beautiful holiday lights, delicious hot cocoa, and yummy cookies. Subscribe for more Learn With Mikey.

Book a visit to Santa’s Ranch: https://Santasranch.net


While Mikey visits Santa’s Ranch, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Numbers
  • Colors
  • Adventure


  • El Rancho de Santa – Santa’s Ranch
  • Luces – Lights
  • Año – Year
  • Mariachis – Mexican Band
  • Astronauta – Astronaut
  • Hombre – Man
  • Mujer – Woman
  • Cohete – Rocket
  • Despegar – Blast Off
  • Dinosaurios – Dinosaurs
  • Rana – Frog
  • Agua – Water
  • Rio – River
  • Ventana – Window
  • Pez – Fish
  • Torgtuga – Turtle
  • Pingüino – Penguin
  • Casa – Home
  • Tren – Train
  • Coche/Carro – Car
  • Camión/Camioneta – Truck
  • Alambre – Wire
  • Llanta – Tire
  • Galletas – Cookies
  • Arboles – Trees
  • Aceite – Oil
  • Tejas – Texas
  • Barco – Boat
  • Personas – People
  • Ovejas – Sheep
  • Pescando – Fishing