Mikey Cleans The Park

Kids will explore and learn with Mikey as he cleans a park. Kids will expand their Spanish vocabulary, while learning the difference between recycling and trash. Mikey gives kids a short quiz to reinforce what was learned during the video. Subscribe to learn with Mikey.


While Mikey cleans the park, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Trash identification
  • Recycling identification
  • Community services


  • Parque – Park
  • Comunidad – Community
  • Basura – Trash
  • Guantes – Gloves
  • Bolsa de Basura – Trash Bag
  • Limpia – Clean
  • Bolsa – Bag
  • Reciclaje – Recycling
  • Papel – Paper
  • Plástico – Plastic
  • Vidrio – Glass
  • Metal – Metal
  • Bolsa – Bag