Mikey Launches A Bottle Rocket

Kids will explore and learn with Mikey as he launches a bottle rocket. Kids will expand their Spanish vocabulary, while learning how to make and launch a bottle rocket. Subscribe to learn with Mikey.


While Mikey launches a bottle rocket, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Pressure
  • Outer Space


  • Cohete – Rocket
  • Despegar – Blast off
  • Botella – Bottle
  • Agua – Water
  • Botella de Agua – Bottle of Water
  • Astronautas – Astronauts
  • Espacio – Space
  • Presión – Pressure
  • Alto – High

Bottle Rocket Supplies

  • One 1 liter bottle
  • Four right triangles from cardboard
  • One #10 cork
  • One sheet of cardstock paper
  • Bicycle pump with needle
  • Three 1″ x 4″ x 6″ wood (launch base)
  • Four 1.5″ wood screws (launch base)

Launch Base Assembly


  1. Cut three 6″ long pieces of 1″ x 4″
  2. Place one piece of wood flat on the ground and one piece of wood standing up on each side of the flat wood
  3. Drill four pilot holes
  4. Put the four screws into the wood
  5. Drill a 2″ hole on the flat wood

Launch Instructions

  1. Drill small hole (slightly smaller than pump needle) into cork all the way through
  2. Place the needle through the cork (make sure it goes all the way through the cork)
  3. Pour 6 oz of water into the rocket
  4. With the rocket upside down (opening of bottle pointed up), put the rocket through the flat part of base
  5. Put cork on the rocket
  6. Flip the rocket back over and set the base down
  7. Begin pumping air into the bottle until it launches