Mikey Learns About Gravity

Kids will explore and learn with Mikey as he uses pumpkins to demonstrate how gravity works. Kids will expand their Spanish vocabulary, while watching how gravity affects pumpkins. Subscribe to learn with Mikey.


While Mikey learns about gravity, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Gravity
  • Colors
  • Counting


  • Calabaza – Pumpkin
  • Gravedad – Gravity
  • Centro – Center
  • La Tierra – Earth
  • Jalar – Pull
  • Café – Brown
  • Blanco – White
  • Centro De La Tierra – Center of the Earth
  • Huevo – Egg
  • Pequeño – Little/Small
  • Grande – Big/Large
  • Pesado – Heavy
  • Sandia – Watermelon

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