Mikey Plays With Fidgets

Kids will explore and learn with Mikey as he plays with fidgets. Kids will expand their Spanish vocabulary, while learning how fidgets can help them with their emotions. Subscribe to learn with Mikey.

Watch Mikey’s Feelings video: https://youtu.be/uJuXCAkI1lo


While Mikey learns about feelings, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Understanding fidgets
  • Understanding how fidgets help emotions
  • Calming down


  • Happy: Contento
  • Sad: Triste
  • Bored: Aburrido
  • Excited: Emocionado
  • Worried: Preocupado
  • Mad/Angry: Enojado
  • Purple: Morado
  • Surprised: Sorprendido
  • Ball: Pelota
  • Feelings: sentimientos