Mikey First Day of School

Kids will explore and learn with Mikey as he gets ready for the first day of school. Kids will expand their vocabulary, while learning about how to properly prepare for the first day of school. Enjoy a music video to Mikey’s song “Back To School” to get kids excited about returning to school. Subscribe to learn with Mikey.


While Mikey prepares for the first day of school, he touches on the following educational concepts:

  • Breathing exercise for nervousness
  • Hygiene
  • Healthy meals
  • Being prepared


  • Escuela – School
  • Nariz – Nose
  • Ropa – Clothes
  • Dientes – Teeth
  • Pelo – Hair
  • Plátano Amarillo – Yellow Banana
  • Blanco – White
  • Plátano – Banana
  • Leche – Milk
  • Jugar – Play
  • Mochilla – Backpack
  • Lapices – Pencils
  • Borrador – Eraser
  • Marcadores – Markers
  • Tijeras – Scissors
  • Pegamento – Glue
  • Carpeta – Folder
  • Botella de Agua – Water Bottle
  • Libreta – Journal
  • Crayones – Crayons

Little Readers

Activity Worksheets